
Tomato Soup with Coconut Milk, Potatoes, and Delicata Squash

For the past few weeks, after distribution, I’ve been making variations on tomato soup. I’m calling it “Tomato Soup Tuesdays.” Since it’s been getting darker earlier and a bit cooler outside it’s nice to have a pot of soup simmering on the stovetop. I borrowed the idea of combining coconut milk with puréed tomatoes, onions, … Read more


Homefries are a staple of our weekend brunch diet. They take too long to cook for a weekday morning, but come Saturday or Sunday, we love a luxurious diner-style breakfast of homefries, eggs, and toast. I always used to think that homefries would inevitably stick to the pan, but now that I’ve done them innumerable … Read more


Two-Potato Omelette

Here’s to a luxurious morning treat! As with many of my preferred breakfast creations, this is not a low-calorie food, but I sure did enjoy it! INGREDIENTS 3 eggs a splash of milk half a potato half a sweet potato about one quarter of a white or yellow onion approximately 7 slices of extra sharp … Read more

Classic Rye Bread

This recipe is adapted from breadexperience.com. It is originally called Classic Pumpernickel Bread. Rye flour is just as good. The only challenge is that the dough ends up being very sticky, so you have to continually, gradually add the wheat flour as you knead it (no pun intended). I also like to add seeds to … Read more

Roasted Roots

This is an easy recipe for cooking root vegetables and it’s a great side dish. I love it because it combines so many vegetables and it adds color to the meal. The less common veggies give this dish great flavor. Celeriac tastes like celery, rutabaga is slightly sweet, and parsnips are deliciously sweet. I recently … Read more